Jens Alberts

New publication of Getrost Vergessen in the Encyclopedia of Electronic HRM

On the importance of trust in the context of the introduction of electronic technologies in human resources management

Abstract: Human Resource Management (HRM) activities, such as recruitment, leadership, andpersonnel development often rely on social interactions. One crucial element of suc-cessful interactions is mutual trust. Indeed, trust has been shown to be correlatedwith effective HRM activities and performance in organizations in various ways (e.g. Breuer, Hüffmeier, & Hertel, 2016; Colquitt, Scott, & LePine, 2007). Digitalization of HRM might further increase the significance of trust due to reduced face-to-face inter-action. Moreover, the introduction of electronic technologies in HRM (i.e., e-HRM) comes with considerable and partly disruptive changes in organizational processes, which can cause feelings of insecurity and strain both among employees and HRM representatives. In order to leverage the advantages of e-HRM applications, personsnot only need to trust in their interaction partners, but also trust in these new pro-cesses and technologies. This entry reviews extant empirical research on trust in e-HRM contexts. In doing so, we consider both effects of electronic communication ontrust development, and effects of trust on the usage of electronic technologies as cen-tral precondition for effective e-HRM.

Hertel, G., Meeßen, S. M., & Höddinghaus, M. (2020). Trust in the Context of e-HRM. In Bondarouk, T. & Fisher, S. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Electronic HRM (pp. 76–81). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. DOI: 10.1515/9783110633702-012 Web