Jens Alberts

Second survey on the new electronic invoice receipt workflow at the WWU

The accompanying study for the introduction of the electronic invoice receipt workflow enters the second round! After the first survey last month was about your experiences with the former invoice processing and your expectations of the new electronic invoice processing workflow, we are interested about your first experiences with the new working method, in this second survey. Participation in the study takes about 15 to 20 minutes, participation in the first survey is not required.

The study is conducted by the Organizational and Business Psychology (Prof. Dr. Guido Hertel) and the Information System Department of the WWU (Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker). It was designed in close cooperation with Dezernat 5 and is supported by the Chancellor of the WWU, Matthias Schwarte.

The study can be accessed via the following link until October 12, 2020: https://ww3.unipark.de/uc/ElektronischerRechnungseingangsworkflowT1/ [de]

If you have any comments or queries regarding the study, please contact M. Sc. Lea Müller, Organizational and Business Psychology.