Sebastian Reiners

Final colloquium in Kaiserslautern

From left to right: Lea Müller, Jörg Becker, Sebastian Reiners, Benjamin Sommerfeld, Dennis Riehle
From left to right: Lea Müller, Jörg Becker, Sebastian Reiners, Benjamin Sommerfeld, Dennis Riehle

From 11.07 - 13.07 Lea Müller, Sebastian Reiners, Junior Prof. Dennis Riehle and Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker were at the final workshop of the priority program "Intentional Forgetting" in Kaiserslautern. In the DFKI buildings, the results of the three-year research project "Getrost Vergessen" were presented, in which we investigated the role of trust on the use of information systems. One finding, for example, is that the successful introduction of a new information system depends on many different factors. Traditionally, these are economic aspects, but also questions of whether deadlines will be met, etc. However, in many aspects of research, people and especially the end user(s) are involved too late or not at all in the process. This works against building trust.

The exchange with the seven other projects from the DFG priority program has also brought many new ideas and incentives. In interdisciplinary work, regular and detailed communication is very important. A communicative basis is needed to guide and effectively orchestrate the project work in the tandems.

A big thank you also goes to Prof. Dr. Guido Hertel, Prof. Dr. Meinald Thielsch and Dr. Christoph Nohe who unfortunately could not make it to the workshop in person but were an essential part of the research project. Benjamin Sommerfeld from the Jacob Jürgensen company was present as a representative of a practice partner with whom longitudinal studies on the introduction of a software system were carried out.

In the context of the final workshop a demonstrator was created, which is now publicly available at https://demonstrator.getrost-vergessen.de/. The demonstrator contains the research results in a compact form. There the research results are presented in a compact way.