The accompanying study for the introduction of the electronic invoice receipt workflow enters the second round! After the first survey last month was about your experiences with the former invoice processing and your expectations of the new electronic invoice processing workflow, we are interested about your first experiences with the new working method, in this second survey. Participation in the study takes about 15 to 20 minutes, participation in the first survey is not required.
Second survey on the new electronic invoice receipt workflow at the WWU
New research associate in the "Getrost Vergessen" project
As of October 2020, Sebastian Reiners will be working as a new research assistant in the project "Getrost Vergessen". As a research assistant at the Chair of Information Systems and Information Management he is responsible for the second project phase and researches the implementation of information systems in practice.
Accompanying study for the introduction of the new electronic invoice workflow at the University of Münster
The "Getrost Vergessen" team is involved in the introduction of electronic invoice receipt at the University of Münster with an accompanying study. The goal of the study is to support and optimize the introduction of the electronic invoice receipt workflow to improve the work processes in the invoice receipt area. To be able to accompany the process of the introduction to different phases, there will be a total of four survey points in time:
Mensch und Computer 2020
The "Getrost Vergessen" project is represented by the long article "Do Not Disturb! Trust in Decision Support Systems Improves Work Outcomes Under Certain Conditions" at this year's Human and Computer Conference. Due to the Corona pandemic, this year's conference will take place virtually and sessions will be streamed on YouTube. Under the following link, the presentation can be followed in the session on Tuesday, 08.09.2020, between 14:00 and 15:15 and then permanently accessed: LINK
Corona Study
As part of the "Getrost Vergessen" project, an interview study was conducted in May and June 2020 on the impact of the corona pandemic on work processes within the WWU administration. The aim of the study was to systematically survey and better understand the impact of the corona pandemic on work processes within the WWU administration. The study addressed challenges and difficulties as well as best practices and positive experiences, not least with a view to future developments. A total of 46 interviews were conducted with staff from all departments and various staff units of the WWU.
Fourth study accepted for publication
The essential role of trust in the use of information systems in the work context for releasing cognitive capacities, improving performance, and increasing well-being can now be read in our new article. The article is published in the english-language journal Ergonomics.
New article about “ Getrost Vergessen“ in the journal Wirtschaftspsychologie – aktuell
You can read our article in the new issue (1/2020) of Wirtschaftspsychologie - aktuell, which deals with the topic "The (un)organized self".
Human forgetting has no good reputation and is often associated with weakness. Yet forgetting is essential for coping with our everyday life and can even improve performance, as recent studies show.
Dr. Sarah Meeßen received her doctorate in the project "Getrost Vergessen“
We congratulate Dr. Sarah Meeßen on the successful disputation on "Trust in Information Systems at the Workplace - Conceptual Classification, Antecedents, and Outcomes" within the "Getrost Vergessen" project.
Positive effects of the use of information systems on cognitive resources and well-being
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